Click any column header to sort by that column. Click again to revers the source order
Click any column header to sort by that column. Click again to revers the source order
Click any column header to sort by that column. Click again to revers the source order
Company Name | Booth Number | Contact Person | |
Ahead | 606 | Chris Tamas | chris.tamas@ahead.net |
AllStar Dogs | 600 | Elan Ovadia | elan@allstardogs.com |
Alphabroder | 609 | Tom Lamb | dnt.tom@gmail.com |
Augusta Sportswear | - | John Wornig | jwornig@shaw.ca |
Barbarian Bruzer | 100 | Jim Gardner | jim@bruzer.com |
Bardown | 206 | Ben Sacerty | ben@gobardown.com |
Bookware 3000 | 403 | Peter Osborne | pete@bookware3000.ca |
Boxercraft | 303 | Ericka Shipp | eshipp@boxercraft.com |
CANCOLL | - | Lorraine Hamilton | busdevmgr@cancoll.ca |
Catalyst Group | 613 | Ain Syed | basyed@catalystbiz.com |
Campus eBookstore | 205 | Brent Beatty | bbeatty@campusebookstore.com> |
Cocoburry | 502 | Joey Tseng | info@cocoburry.com |
Creative Knitwear Inc. | 311 | Michael Marks | michael.mars@creativeknitwear.com |
Danbar | 203 | Stephanie Ridley | info@danbar.ca |
DGN | 411 | Terry Wilson | twilson@dgn-marketing.com |
Dubwear | 112 | Leslie Dub | leslie@dubwear.com |
Fiel | 202 | Arif Bandali | arif@fiel.com |
GGS | 513 | John Lorimer | johnl@ggsltd.com |
Greenglass Group | 611 | Paul Greenglass | paul@greenglassgroup.com |
Greentown Scrubs | 501 | Stella Saul | stella@greentownscrubs.com |
GelaSkins Inc. | 406 | Jaime Pichora | jamie@gelaskins.com |
Hides | 305 | Sara Raha | sara.raha@hidesleather.com | hipSwan | 510 | Peter Prabhu | founders@hipswan.com |
Hotline Apparel | 605 | Jenna Austin | jenna@hotlineapparel.ca |
Itoya Profolio | 412 | Don Takemura | don@itoya.com |
Jacor Marketing | 506 | Stewart Robinson | stewart@jacormarketing.com |
Jailbird Designs | 201 | Tom Woodland | tom@jailbirddesigns.com |
JCWG | 610 | Graham Hueman | gheuman@jcwg.com | JPT Sales | 310 | Chuck Tukrel | jptsale_tuk@hotmail.com |
L2 Brands | 612 | Iain Lonsway | iainlonsway4@gmail.com |
Lago Apparel | 200 | Mike Cooper | mike@lagoapparel.com |
Lifestyle Market | 508 | Carmen Tsang | info@lifestylemarket.ca |
Login | 512 | Mel Brown | mel@lb.ca |
Lubertex | 307 | Saffron Teelier | saffron@lubertex.com |
Marsquest | 211 | Joshua Sham | joshua@marsquest.co |
MartiniVispak | 111 | Bram Gordon | bram@attackactivewear.com |
Merangue | 410 | Terri Lynn Cole | terric@merange.com |
Milburn Designs | 500 | Frank Paketta | frank@milburndesigns.com |
Momentec | 608 | Denna Carter | dcarter@momentecbrands.com |
MV Sport / The Game | 602 | Mary Schwicke | mary.schwicke@wpmv.com |
Niagara River Trading Company | 101 | Scott Hockton | scott@nrtc.ca |
Outset Media | 309 | Derrick Castiglione | derrick@outsetmedia.com |
Parkdale Novelty | 102 | Donna Kotzer | donna@parkdalenovelty.com |
PKG | 107 | John Steward | johns@pkgshop.com |
Portables Plus | 300 | Valerie Laflamme | valerie@portablesplus.com |
Premium Uniforms | 509 | Mohammed Khimani | mohammed@premiumuniforms.com |
Pukka | 505 | Angela Moffat | angela@spellboundsales.com |
Redpine Outdoor | 213 | Trent Gowan | trent@redpineoutdoor.com |
Roots | 304 | Hilary Barnes | hbarnes@roots.com |
Sharper Marketing | 103 | Iain Walker | iain@sharpermarketing.com |
Shoes for Crews | 503 | Kim Redmin | kimr@shoesforcrews.com |
Sparta Pewter | 308 | David Soucie | david@sparta.net |
Spiritwear | 601 | Jaime Almond | jaime@spiritwearcanada.ca |
STAEDTLER Mars Limited | 404 | Erin Standbury | erin.stanbury@staedtler.com |
SuperSlides | 402 | Nate Olivier | nate@superslides.ca |
Taknology | 409 | Winnie Kwan | winnie@taknology.com |
Tall Ships Trading Company | 301 | Chris MacDonald | chris@tallshipstrading.com |
Tempo Framing | 401 | Robert Lee | ian@tempoframing.com |
Tentree + DU/ER | 209 | Kelly Holmes | kelly@sproutsales.ca |
The Douglas Stewart Company | 109 | Karen Morin | kmorin@dstewart.com |
The Fanatic Group | 409 | Jody Danaher | jody@thefanaticgroup.com |
The SomCan Group | 109 | Alexa Williams | awilliams@somcan.com |
VitalSource | 313 | Kristi Runser | kristi.runser@vitalsource.com |
WaterH | 302 | Annie Cao | annie@waterh.com |
Willland Outdoors | 208 | Patrick Jing | patrick@willlandoutdoors.com |
Zueike | 405 | Bryan Salvador | bryan@zueike.com |
Click any column header to sort by that column. Click again to revers the source order
Company Name | Booth Number | Contact Person | |
AllStar Dogs | 600 | Elan Ovadia | elan@allstardogs.com |
Alphabroder | 609 | Tom Lamb | dnt.tom@gmail.com |
Augusta Sportswear | - | John Wornig | jwornig@shaw.ca |
Barbarian Bruzer | 100 | Jim Gardner | jim@bruzer.com |
Bookware 3000 | 403 | Peter Osborne | pete@bookware3000.ca |
Boxercraft | 303 | Ericka Shipp | eshipp@boxercraft.com |
CANCOLL | - | Lorraine Hamilton | busdevmgr@cancoll.ca |
Catalyst Group | 613 | Ain Syed | basyed@catalystbiz.com |
Campus eBookstore | 205 | Brent Beatty | bbeatty@campusebookstore.com> |
Cocoburry | 502 | Joey Tseng | info@cocoburry.com |
Dubwear | 112 | Leslie Dub | leslie@dubwear.com |
Fiel | 202 | Arif Bandali | arif@fiel.com |
GGS | 513 | John Lorimer | johnl@ggsltd.com |
Greenglass Group | 611 | Paul Greenglass | paul@greenglassgroup.com |
Greentown Scrubs | 501 | Stella Saul | stella@greentownscrubs.ca |
Hides | 305 | Sara Raha | sara.raha@hidesleather.com |
Hotline Apparel | 605 | Jenna Austin | jenna@hotlineapparel.ca |
Itoya Profolio | 412 | Don Takemura | don@itoya.com |
Jailbird Designs | 201 | Tom Woodland | tom@jailbirddesigns.com |
JCWG | - | Graham Hueman | gheuman@jcwg.com |
L2 Brands | 612 | Iain Lonsway | iainlonsway4@gmail.com |
Lago Apparel | 200 | Mike Cooper | mike@lagoapparel.com |
Lifestyle Market | 508 | Carmen Tsang | info@lifestylemarket.ca |
Login | 512 | Mel Brown | mel@lb.ca |
MartiniVispak | 111 | Bram Gordon/td> | bram@attackactivewear.com |
Milburn Designs | 500 | Frank Paketta | frank@milburndesigns.com |
Momentec | 608 | Denna Carter | dcarter@momentecbrands.com |
MV Sport / The Game | 602 | Mary Schwicke | mary.schwicke@wpmv.com |
Niagara River Trading Company | 101 | Scott Hockton | scott@nrtc.ca |
Outset Media | 309 | Derrick Castiglione | derrick@outsetmedia.com |
Parkdale Novelty | 102 | Donna Kotzer | donna@parkdalenovelty.com |
Portables Plus | 300 | Valerie Laflamme | valerie@portablesplus.com |
Premium Uniforms | 509 | Mohammed Khimani | mohammed@premiumuniforms.com |
Pukka | 505 | Angela Moffat | angela@spellboundsales.com |
Roots | 304 | Hilary Barnes | hbarnes@roots.com |
Sharper Marketing | 103 | Iain Walker | iain@sharpermarketing.com |
Shoes for Crews | 503 | Kim Redmin | kimr@shoesforcrews.com |
Sparta Pewter | 308 | David Soucie | david@sparta.net |
Spiritwear | 601 | Jaime Almond | jaime@spiritwearcanada.ca |
Staedlter | 404 | Erin Standbury | erinstanbury@staedlter.com |
SuperSlides | 402 | Nate Olivier | nate@superslides.ca |
Tall Ships Trading Company | 301 | Chris MacDonald | chris@tallshipstrading.com |
Tempo Framing | 401 | Robert Lee | ian@tempoframing.com |
Tentree + DU/ER | 209 | Kelly Holmes | kelly@sproutsales.ca |
The Douglas Stewart Company | 109 | Karen Morin | kmorin@dstewart.com |
The SomCan Group | 109 | Alexa Williams | awilliams@somcan.com |
VitalSource | 313 | Kristi Runser | kristi.runser@vitalsource.com |
WaterH | 302 | Annie Cao | annie@waterh.com |
Willland Outdoors | 208 | Patrick Jing | patrick@willlandoutdoors.com |
Zueike | 405 | Bryan Salvador | bryan@zueike.com |
Danbar | 203 | Stephanie Ridley | info@danbar.ca |
Are you attending the upcoming Campus Stores Conference? Your voice is crucial in shaping the the course materials education. We're inviting you to participate in a quick survey to help us determine the most pressing topics for our Course Materials Track. Survey closes September 17.
Read MoreThe Sheraton Le Centre broke their contract with Campus Stores Canada to accommodate the NHL, a decision made very late in our planning process. We were unable to share details about the change until we had secured a new venue, and as a result, some aspects of the conference are still in flux as we finalize the logistics.
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